HosmartAI EU Project, an amazing and ambitious journey for Pharmecons Easy Access who will perform the economic evaluation of the AI technologies has just started!
On the last 9-10 February, took place the kick-off meeting of the new project HosmartAI –
“Hospital Smart development based on AI”. The project is funded by €10 million under European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No 101016834).
The meeting brought together the 24 partners of the consortium (which includes 3 large
enterprises, 8 SMEs, 5 hospitals, 4 universities, 2 research centres and 2 associations), to discuss
the project objectives and directions, its 10 work packages and its 8 large-scale pilots.
HosmartAI proposes to boost a strong, efficient, sustainable and resilient European healthcare
system. The project aims to ensure the integration of existing digital and robotic technologies in
new healthcare environments and the possibility to analyse their benefits by providing an
environment in which providers of digital healthcare and care tools will be able to design and
develop AI solutions, as well as a space for the establishment and deployment of these solutions.
HosmartAI will continually involve users and other stakeholders within a co-creation
methodology to have continuous feedback, with the aim to make the best answers available for
the various challenges that the European health system is encountering today and increasingly
in the future.
Within this project, eight large-scale pilot projects will implement and evaluate improvements
in medical diagnosis, surgical interventions, disease prevention and treatment, and
rehabilitation and long-term care support in various hospitals and care settings. The project will
target differentiated medical aspects and manifestations such as Cancer, Gastrointestinal
disorders, Cardiovascular diseases, Thoracic Disorders, Neurological diseases, Elderly Care and
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Fetal Growth Restriction and Prematurity.
The HosmartAI kick-off meeting marked the beginning of this holistic and very complex project
that collects the insights of diverse players that will contribute and work to boost the health of
the European communities. Do you want to know more and be part of it? Follow our social media
and visit https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101016834.
Stay tuned to the launch of the HosmartAI website!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 101016834